Dr Farhana Rahman
“As a general practitioner, I get to work at the heart of the community with the privilege of caring for patients from the start to the end of life. ”
Dr Farhana Rahman BSc, MBBS, MRCGP, DFSRH
I’m a General Practitioner (GP) , Lifestyle Medicine Physician and Health Coach, based in London, England.
I am passionate about getting to the root of what really makes people unwell. Only by uncovering the underlying causes of illness, can we truly transform our health.
Whether it’s through coaching, consulting, retreats or writing, I empower people to identify their unique health needs and give clear, action steps to make their goals a reality.
my journey
Having studied, trained and worked as a doctor for over 20 years, I am proud to remain a lifelong student of the human body. The field of medicine is constantly changing and my various roles reflect the need for a dynamic approach to delivering exceptional care - for every body.
Medical Doctor
Drawn by the diverse health needs of the capital, I chose to study medicine in the heart of the city, at University College London (UCL). I’ve always been fascinated by people and what makes us tick – quite literally!
Medical Anthropologist
But as the complexities of the human body became clearer, I had more and more questions. What drives us to take the choices we make? How do societal and environmental factors affect our health needs? I felt conventional medical training didn’t answer these essential questions, so I undertook a BSc in Medical Anthropology to complement my medical studies at UCL. This journey transformed my outlook on life and the world around us, and culminated in fieldwork on the mind/body dichotomy which has shaped my medical practice to this day.
General Practitioner
General Practice was a natural choice for me as you can really step back and address the bigger picture when it comes to health. Working in the heart of communities I serve, it is a privilege to be a GP and play an integral role in my patients’ lives.
lifestyle medicine physician
The pandemic was an awakening. More than ever, people needed individualised, meaningful care to reduce chronic illness and reduce risk from infection.
I trained in a holisitc approach to this at Harvard Medical School and became accredited from the British Insititue of Lifestyle Medicine
health coach
10 minutes is just not enough time. Patients know this. Doctors know this. But the system is broken.
Through health coaching , I created the time and space that’s so urgently needed to facilitate true and lasting transformation.
I gently guide my clients through a journey to identify their unique root causes and co-create a simple, sustainable, holistic plan to achieve their health goals.
I offer coaching online or in person via experiential retreats.
health expert and consultant
We are stronger together.
I use my expertise to encourage fair and equitable access to better health and healthier choices. With this in mind, I work with organisations to improve communication, outcomes and productivity.
For example,
My original work has been featured on the BBC World and attracted the interest of academics at King’s College London. Together we co-created award-winning research and intervention to reduce Covid-related illness in ethnic minority communities after lockdown.
I share my unique, holistic insights for print and online media. Check out the blog where I share more + tips and tricks for up-levelling your health.
one size does not fill all
Over the years, I have gained expertise in managing all manner of medical conditions and tailor my approach to each patient. But experience has taught me that reality does not follow a set of guidelines. Health cannot be defined by a pristine set of results. I have learnt there is much more to being human and so much more to being well.
I use my expertise in a variety of ways to help bring a much-needed, fresh perspective to health and healthcare.
Dr Farhana Rahman
“I have learnt there is much more to
being human and so much more
to being well”