COVID-19 - Back to Basics


Remember the basics:

Mouth, nose, eyes and lungs

• The virus spreads when the secretions from the nose or mouth of an infected

person get into the mouth, nose or eyes of another person or when they are

breathed into the lungs.

• Secretions from an infected person’s nose/mouth are released when they cough,

sneeze, sing, speak or breathe (more so if they are breathing hard or shouting).

•When these infected fluids are released, they disperse into droplets of varying sizes

some are extremely tiny (aerosols) whilst others are larger. These droplets have the

ability to travel varying distances, before falling to the ground. However, the really

tiny droplets can also remain floating in the air for some time, especially indoors.

Whatever the size of the droplets, they all carry the virus inside.

Transmission by air

• People who are in close contact (usually at least 15 minutes) with an infected person

can catch the virus when these infected droplets travel into their mouth, nose or


• The virus transmits much more indoors: this is because it is easier for the infected

droplets to be breathed in, in an enclosed space.

• Therefore, if enough time is spent together, an infected person can spread the virus

to other people indoors, even if everyone keeps a distance from each other, especially

if ventilation is poor.

Transmission by touch

• The virus is also spread when the secretions from an infected person get onto a

surface. If another person then touches this contaminated surface and then touches

their eyes, nose or mouth, they can become infected.

- This can occur between people e.g through hugging, kissing, shaking hands

- This also commonly occurs on frequently touched surfaces e.g door handles on the

bus or tube.

• People are most infectious at the beginning of the illness and for 1-2 days before the

onset of symptoms- so they may spread it before realising they even have it.

Silent spreaders

• Anyone can spread Coronavirus, even if they don’t have


• In fact, some people will catch the virus, will not develop symptoms at all, but can

still spread it without ever realising. Therefore, you should presume that anyone you

have contact with could be carrying the virus and they should think the same about

you too.

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