Science-Backed Ways to Keep Yourself From Feeling and Looking Older
Mr Motivator
By Dana Brown,
It’s been said that age is just a state of mind. While there’s solid science that backs this up, it’s actually only a part of the equation. Equally as important to keeping you from feeling older is taking care of your body, as well. It goes without saying that in order to look and feel younger, you need a holistic approach that takes care of your body and mind in equal parts. This is because the mind and body have an indelible connection when it comes to health, and it will serve you well to acknowledge and honor that link, especially as you get older. Let’s break down the process.
Watch what you eat.
We are all aware of the importance of a healthy diet as it pertains to maintaining a healthy weight and warding off diseases. What most people don’t realize is that eating healthy is just as important in fending off the unwanted signs of aging. It’s definitely interesting to note that most of the same foods that you need to avoid if you want to stay young are also foods to avoid if you want to stay healthy and disease-free.
But even with the best-laid (diet) plans, biology will always do its thing. So while you can’t stop aging altogether, you can definitely delay it. There are, in fact, certain foods that work as amazing antidotes to various body parts and systems as they age.
It’s more than wise to consume sufficient amounts of the good stuff daily. To ensure that, consider using a grocery or meal delivery service in your area to keep you supplied with the healthy and beneficial meals you need. You can even opt for “lighter” options that have fewer calories.
Incorporate movement into your day.
Of course, where diet is, exercise is often not too far behind. Regular physical activity does so much in keeping you from aging. It helps your circulation and promotes cell growth. These, in turn, keep your body in fantastic shape both inside and outside, so you not only look younger, but you feel it, too.
No doubt, one of the best exercises you can do to keep the years at bay is yoga. It actually offers an impressive roster of anti-aging benefits, many of which really help older adults with physiological conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, lung problems, chronic pain, and so much more. Its psychological benefits are well-documented, too, especially as a tool against depression.
Check in within.
Again, your mindset really does matter when it comes to aging. In fact, research shows that having a youthful mindset can reverse—or at least, slow down—aging. For this reason, it’s a good idea to focus on what you can do to take care of your mental health just as much as you take care of your body.
Meditation is definitely one practice that you will want to add to your anti-aging routine. It’s actually scientifically proven to slow down aging on a cellular level. The reason for this is simple enough. A regular meditation practice reduces your response to stress, which, in turn, allows telomeres (an agent of cellular aging) to essentially live longer.
On another note, spirituality is also said to have a hand in reversing aging. Suffice it to say, both ancient beliefs and traditions and scientific discoveries agree with one thing—that is, the ultimate anti-aging secret is balance.
The state of your home can affect your anxiety and stress levels which can impact the aging process. While a cluttered home can make you frazzled and overly critical, an organized and clean space can promote positivity.
In a nutshell, you are only as old or as young as the food you eat, the routines you perform, and the habits you maintain. As a very welcome bonus, you keep yourself healthy in the process, too. Either way, you reap all the benefits, and really, there’s no better payoff than that.