Roasted cauliflower with chickpeas, spring greens, lemon & tahini
Some help from my ‘assistant’
The Green Roasting Tin by Rukmini Iyer
This book is awesome. I wanted a cookbook so that I could be more inspired with my veg, and when I saw a cookbook about roasting, my immediate though was ‘pah! I don’t need someone to teach me how to turn on an oven!’ But it’s amazing! It’s perfect for those with little time but big ambitions.
Of course, I never really plan meals so didn’t have all the ingredients, but it went something like:
Cauliflower florets + leaves in oven dish
2 tsps of powdered cumin, coriander, ginger and paprika
mix well
roast 180 degrees 35 mins.
Then the tahini dressing is 1 generous tablespoon + juice of one lemon + squirt of honey (ok the honey was my addition and by this point my daughter had wandered off with the cookbook so I was a little creative here)
Top with chopped coriander.
The evidence for the benefits of a plant-based diet are hard to ignore given I’m preparing for a diploma in Lifestyle Medicine…sign up to the newsletter to stay up to date